Water Jetting Questions

Q: Who purchases and uses these type of machines?

Q: With all that pressure, how can you even hold onto the lance?

Q: How much do high-pressure water jet systems cost?

Q: How far should the nozzle be from the material I am trying to remove?

Can I run multiple tools at once?

What size pump is best?

How important is pressure? Is maximum pressure always better?

With all that pressure, are water jets safe?

Rental Questions

What do I need to rent NLB equipment?

What are your payment terms?

Do you accept credit cards?

Do you deliver?

What kind of truck do I need to haul a water jet pump unit?

What kind of trailer hitch do I need?

What about trailer lights and brakes?

What permits or licenses do I need to rent water jet equipment?

Can I take NLB equipment out of the state? out of the country?

Can I operate rented equipment offshore?


I don’t see the listing for the job I want. Are you hiring for other positions?

I need more information about this job before I’m ready to apply.

How does the online recruiting process work?

What are the remaining steps in the process?

How will this information be used?

Is this an official file for employment?

Have Questions?

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